
Officially closing this blog off... :'(

I always wanted to go back to posting here, but alas, life got too busy. Now, I'm actually closing it down - in case someone was still hoping it would come back - as I'm off to South Africa, and the Internet there ain't what it is here. I won't be able to check out Youtube so much, which makes this blog a bit pointless...I had fun with it, but I can't keep it up anymore. I thank everyone who visited and checked it out, and hope you'll find some cool new blog to follow!




Oh, just by the way...

Rebember when I talked about Glee like, 20 minutos ago? Well, here goes something that's related to that. I was looking for the video for the "big song" from the first episode, "Don't stop believing" (and seriously, you shoud listen to it), and I came across this guy doing this versiong of the song:

Then I found out he had actually done something even more impressive before, a Michael Jackson tribute Medley, and IT IS AMAZING:

Seriously, this guy is incredible. If you have the time, go to his his MySpace page and listen to other songs - or look for Sam Tsui on youtube - he has other videos of him singing. No, really, seriously. Do it.



I'm baaack!

After almost a month, I'm back. I'm thinking maybe I should set up certain days to update the blog, so I don't let so much time passwithout an update.

One of the main reasons I haven't updated is because most of the american shows that take up my time are either back or starting... two of my favorite show were canceled (I still cry for you, Sarah Connor and Pushing Daisies!!), but some of my other shows are back: Fringe, The Big bang Theory, Dollhouse and even Heroes - yes, I've decided to go back to watching heroes this season (I like being a dope, aparently). But mostly the problem is that I've stupidly decided to add 2 more to this lovely mix: Treu Blood (a vampire series), which has been going for 2 years, but that I only started watching now, and it's FABULOUS so far, and the brand-new Glee, which I'm pretty much obssessed about. I mean, there's no way not to get obssessed with a series that has this scene in it:

This is from episode 4, by the way, but try to get the other episodes - each has at least one amazing moment in it, trust me.I'll be posting other glee videos in the future, you can be sure...

Anyway, that's what has been happening. But I'm back and I hope not to go away for so long again!




Oh, and I almost forgot

This video is PRICELESS! I had tears in my eyes because I laughed so hard when I watched it. The Idea is: the song tells what is hapenning in the video, literaly.

There are A LOT of these videos on Youtube. Some of them are ok, like the one for You're beautiful by James Blunt, and the one for loosing my religion by REM, and some are just horrible, like the one for Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana or Bye, bye, bye by NSync (I didn't put the links because I don't want you to tell me that I made you waste your time, but you can search for them on Youtube - but I'm telling, they suck...). But the Total eclipse of the heart is the best one, for sure. This one is really good, too:

[Hahahaha - Rickroll!]

These are the "babies" of the original idea of making literal lyrics for crazy videos from the guys at Dustfilms. This was the first one of all:

Visit the official dustfilms site for the original literal videos. You will not be sorry!



Strawberry Swing

Anyone who knows me known that I'm a huge fan of stop motion, so it's no surprise that I absolutely LOVE the new coldplay Music video. I really like the song, but i LOVE the video:

Absolutely stunning!




A quick tip (2)

The lyrics site Vagalume has a relatively new feature which is meant to help people practice their listening skills by doing a "filling in the blanks" activity in songs in Portuguese, English and Spanish. It's called "Complete a letra". Aparently you can do this for any of the lyrics in the site - just look for the "Complete" option. It's pretty cool, you should check it out!




Sand Animation

I found this video a couple of weeks ago, from following someone's (don't remember who, but I think it might have been John Green's) tweeter link, but hat was when I was having horrible computer issues, so I didn't post it. Anyway, I think awesome isn't a strong enough word to describe it.

Isn't it amazing?




And this is why I love John Krasinski


Do yourself a favor and watch The Office, which this guy is in.




Good news!

Okay, so finally computer working 100% and connection 100%, too - what a rare combination! Which of course means that posting will go back to being regular, now.

Just not to break tradition, here goes a video (oh, how original). However, this is one I expect teachers and students of english will aprecciate more. Also, it's british, so what's not to like?

Hehehe! Look Up "Fawlty Towers" (the name of the show this was taken from) on Youtube for more British goodness. Actually, this show stared John Cleese, one of the Monty Python guys. Do yourself a favor and shearch for Monty Python on Youtube, too - too good, if british humor is your thing!



Edit: I've just seen that the video was deleted. That's too bad. But they do have other Fawlty towers videos there - look it up!


Food on trouble

Ok, torture is not cool, but when it's done to food, it's kid of... deliciously cruel, I guess?

Look at this one, for example:

[This has been seen over 1,470,000 times, by the way!]

Or this one, whith a corn family:


or the newest one:

[by the way, the "cookie" they show at the end is a Smore, a marshmallow sandwich]

I know, I know, it's kind of sadistic, but aren't they ADORABLE?!?!?! I'd love to know how daneboe does that effect where he takes out the nose - it kakes them look sooo cute! And I hate to admit it, but I LOVE it when they all scream!! ROTFL*!!

Good thing thing you already know I'm weird!!



(*ROTFL= Rolling On The Floor Laughing)



I showed you guys some of the videos from the Howcast YouTube channel in class (Remember the videos on how to remember people's names, how to tidy up in 3 minutes and how to look great in photos?) I hadn't thought about them in a while, but the fact is that they have A LOT of videos now - almost 1500! - and I thought their latest videos was really quite interesting (or at least, the subject is):

They really have something for everybody - I mean, the have almost 1500 videos! They tach you how to deal with some situations, how to prepare drinks and food, how to kiss with passion... no, really, they do! Go check it out!




Hi, there!

I'm sorry for taking so long to update, but now I'm having connection issues - just when my computer decided to satrt working, sort of! Anyway, just popping in to tell you I should take a bit longer to put things up, but I won't stop!

So, here's a video I watched the other day and made me laugh A LOT:

[and yes, it IS a joke!]

Also, anyone who knows me can tell I like stop motion videos, and this one is just fantastic - even if it gets a little disgusting at the end...

Finally, a series tip: Look up and, if possible, download "The IT crowd" and watch it! It's a British series about computer nerds, and it's FUNNY - well, in a British sort of way. Also, their accents alone are worth a listen!




Quick tips

Visit http://invisiblered.blogspot.com/. No really, do it, because it's really great. This person finds really cool info around the internet. It was there that I found the Help website (and do yourself a favor, visit the site - click on the link - and click on "Bored?", and then "Help I'm bored" You won't be sorry!!).

Also, that's where I saw this video:

Cool huh? Ok, I know it's in spanish, but you get the idea, right?




My favorite vloggers

Ok, so I'm always mentioning the vlogbrothers here, but there are other vloggers I really enjoy on youtube, some of which I have mentioned before. The ones I am mentioning here are all vloggers and videos podcasts I subscribe to, and they usually put up one or two videos a week. So BE CAREFUL, because following vloggers and youtube shows can be really time consuming!!

The list isn't in a preference order per se, but they are in the order I remembered them, which I guess must mean something... the links on the names will direct you to their user page, and I'l post a couple of video, too, why not?

Vlogbrothers - I'm not going to talk about how much I love these two brothers because I've said it too much already. They are real nerds (something which is obvoius when you talk about two guys who decide to communicate only through daily videos for a year, or by phone or personally, but never though e-mail, whuch is hard since they live REALLY far away from each other...) They are cool. And that's it. They are my favorite vloggers, a little bit ahead of...

Community Channel - Natalie is a cool Asian-Australian nerd girl. Her accent rocks, she's got this really weird sense of humour, and I love how she plays basically all the characters in her videos. One relativelly recent example:

... and another:

Okay, so I love her videos from the "Hi!" to the " porno music/comment time". Just go to her channel and have a good time.

Ray William Johnson - I discovered this guy from another youtuber, Michelle Phan, who does video make up tutorials (really cool ones, too) - he was the victim for a "makeup for guys" video. I showed one of his videos in class. I really like the format of his "show" and how he tends to be really nice about the weird people in the weird YouTube videos he comments (he actually tells people not to leave bad comments on the videos he comments, which is kinda sweet). He is also really short. AND he is friends with...

Meekakitty - She's pretty. And she has a really expessive face. And she's really, really weird (but in a great way). Look:

[exhibit 1]

[exhibit 2]

[exhibit 3]

Just sayin'!

Sxephil (aka* The Philip DeFranco Show) - I haven't followed this guy for a long time, but he's great. He takes the news and, and, as he proposes, makes it not so boring.

charlieissocoollike - this guys made a video a couple of years ago and people just adored him. this is the video:

Actually, a friend of mine told me to watch his videos along time ago, but only recently I started. I also found out he was part of a really cool project, the Five Awesome Guys (it's over, but it was cool. check it out), which was based on the Five Awesome Girls project (it's still kind of active, check it out [actually, one of the "guys" goes out with one of the "girls" now, it's really sweet]), which was, in turn, inspired by... the vlogbrothers. Isn't it wonderful? It's the Circle of Life! =P

What the buck - The first time I watched one of Michael Buckley's videos I had a headache after! He speaks incredibly fast - which means he's a challenge for you guys out there trying to improve your listening skills. He's very funny, very intellygent, and very gay (and I don't say this as an insult!). He's not a vlogger, really, his videos are actually little "shows". Go there!

Nigahiga - one of my friends LOVES this guy's videos, but I actually only really like his Movie in Minutes vides. Here's is Twilight:

... Harry Potter :

... and Titanic:

They are soo retarded, they're good!

Kevjumba - the only reason I remembered him last is because he hasn't posted any videos in a while - I think his last video was posted about two months ago. I posted a video of his here before, the girls are like M&Ms one, and I love the videos he makes with his dad in them. He's also a really nice guy - even Michael Buckley has said so, and he knows things! Okay, that's not the reason, the main reason is that he started a project to give out money to charity, the Jumbafund. Sweet guy all around.

Anyway, I think that's about it! And wow, was that a long post (it actually took me about 3 days to write). Hope you enjoy the videos and the links. Oh, and don't worry - not all of these people make videos every day, so I do get out of computerland sometime (or a lot of the time, now my computer decided to work when it wants to... ;)



Does anyone who's read this post have a YouTube vlogger they like and thought I should check out? Comments, please!


Ok, this is so retarded it's kinda funny.


Hearts a mess (as is my computer)

Sorry about not updating the page. My computer has been really unstable latelly - actually, I had written a whole post about three days ago on a text file and the whole thing froze and I lost everything I was writing, which, as you can imagine, got me a bit upset... anyway, I think it's ok now, and I'm just coming by to leave this music video, which I just watched and thought it was really weird/cool:

This is from a channel on youtube I signed up for a few weeks ago, called futureshorts. They have lots of really cool short films in this channel, but my favorite is definitely this one:





Daft things

Ok, so I remember talking about these videos on the last class - the one in which we recorded the video - and decided to put the videos up in here. The first one is actually my favorite...

... but the second one is also really cool!

Just for the curios, I'll post here the original one, from the movie:

Also, I found the movie on Google videos. If you are a fan of eletronic music (or just of Daft Punk), anime or science fiction, you should like this at least a little. If you hate all these things, well, don't say that I didn't warn you! Oh, and if you do watch it, ignore the guy speaking japanese at the beginning and move on to the movie...



VocĂȘ faz Xixi no banho?

I know the title is in portuguese this time, but this is FUN!



151 jokes

In honor of the fact that Hank Greeen of the Vlogbrothers posted another "50 jokes in 4 minutes" video, today, here are the three videos so far, which means there are 151 jokes in this post (because the 2nd video had 51 jokes in it). He talks REALLY fast, so this is a challenge to you out there to understand the jokes. I really love the fact that most of them are just these nice, clean, children's jokes, some of which are really, really funny. So, here they are, in the order they were posted:

Also, just because I want everyone to like the stuff the Vlogbrothers do, I suggest you go to the Truth or Fail channel. It's a quiz channel and there are currently 4 quizzes there: the first one, which is about general knowledge, one about English things, one about Harry Potter details and one about American writers. Go there, it's fun!!




Quick update

Visit this site: Infinite Oz - Tin Man. It is AMAZING! Definitely one of the best flash sites I've ever seen.




Ok, just watch this...

It's really cool:

[seen on the Nerdfighers page]


YES!! I got the video to work out. Not on YouTube, unfortunately. On Dailymotion, which means the quality is a little lower, unfortunately. But if you'd like to view the video in its original form, you can download it from Magaupload. It should be available for some time, but I'm not sure for how long. Anyway, here's the video:

On another note, I frind of mine sent me the link to this song, which I really liked:

It's a song with sounds taken from an old Disney movie I really like Called Mary Poopins. I realize the reference can be a little too old for some, so I'll post this other one, which is made with sounds from the first Harry Potter movie:

I know it's really strange, but I really like the way it sounds, for some reason... You can find other strange/trippy* songs on this guy's channel.



* Trippy: adjective which comes from the "acid trip", or the hallucinations you have when you are on acid drugs!


I'm still trying to figure out how to get the graduation video to play properly. I did upload it it, but MGM cut the sound off. Whatever. I probably will open an account on another video uploading site, and then try to upload the video there. Let's see if that works out. If you want to view the video anyway, you can watch it on youtube.

Anyway, I do have a couple of hints for now. I actually found out about these things a few days ago, but hadn't been able to write about them.

Ok, this is really cool: I know there are a LOT of these lego videos out there, but this one makes me think of my childhood:

Awesome. All of the videogame ones are really cool, really. I got the tip for this one in last week's episode of Gadgets (The Childhood nostalgia episode), which is this really cool podcast on CNet TV which talks about random technological things from women's perspectives. I also like Buzz Out Loud, go check it out. In fact, if you like technology at all, go check out CNet TV - I strongly recommend you go watch it - it's what I think (hope) TV is gonna be in the future (not what they talk about, but how it works). I was introduced to it by my brother with a Prizefight video which compared Lost to Battlestar Gallatica in a "fight", and it was awesome. Now that I know the people, it's even better. I strongly recommend the Prizefight videos, as well the Mailbag videos - these are my two favorite shows on CNet TV, along with Top 5 and the Buzz Report.

Talking about podcasts, for the other Lost freaks out there, there's this really cool Lost podcast [the link is for the second part of the coommentary about the last episode of season 5] over at Jovem Nerd - in portuguese - about the last season, along with some really cool theories and observations about the show in the whole. It's really cool, if you're into that sort of thing. Also their other podcasts are really fun, too, if you're curious about nerdy things.

Ok, enough for today! I'll check back with new stuff soon.





So I've beeen fighting with You tuge for a couple of hours now, trying to upload the graduation video, but can't. Apparently MGM thinks I want to tell people we wrote "Don't worry, be happy" or something - I mean, what other reason could they have for blocking the video? It's so stupid that it makes me angry. Anyway, I'm trying to upload right now, but I need some time for the video to process. If it doesn't, I'll upload it to 4Shared or Megaupload or something - let's see how it goes...


Just saying thanks...

Okay, I rally have very little time to do this, but I had to come here and say THANK YOU for yesterday. Not ony because you guys wrote and read that really cool text to me, which made me feel like a million buck (THANK YOU!!), but also because you guys were so AWESOME in the video. Thank you for letting me record while you guys were having fun. As soon as I have computer access again, I'll upload and post your graduation video. You guys were - well, are - amazing and I was happy to have been able to teach you.

(A very grateful) Later!




Ok, so I'm working on the graduation video right now, and having a lot of fun - but this is such hard work!! Anyway, I'm just updating because I promised myself I would not go more than 3 or 4 days withoup updating anymore.

On some Exciting News, it seems God is following this blog now. No, seriously, there is 1 follwer of this blog (you know, like when a person signs up to know when the blog is being updated) and he/she is signed in as God. I have no comment, I just think it's... kinda awsome. Hi, God!!

Anyway, just so I don't break tradition, here's a video for you. I ctually LOVE this video, and have since I first saw it, and I could kick myself for not showing it in class. I mentioned it, but haven't shown it yet:

That's it for this post. I finally found (again) the piece of paper where I wrote the things I meant to post when I was talking to some of you last saturday, and should be posting it soon.




Class Videos!!

The videos you guys made are up! Well, the ones I could upload, at least. There were two videos (the one with the bizarre news and the one with the little red cap story) which were in DVD form, and so I couldn't upload. If you guys can give me those videos in another format, I'll appreciated it! Oh, and there's also the stop motion video, which I'm still trying to figure out how make the sound work! Fingers crossed!

Anyway, that leaves us with three videos so far. I'll post the video we couldn't watch because of :aham: technical difficulties first:

Then, the other news program we did watch:

And finally, the Sex and the City reenactment:

Hopefully, I'll have the other videos up soon!



Change of address and some updates

Ok, so I wanted to upload the videos you made today, but I can't find them in my computer. There's no reason to panic, though, because I have them all in the CD I took to class to show them to you. So I'll just upload them tomorrow, ok?

On another subject, as you can see I've already changed the address of the blog - I hope you all found it by now. I'm still wating for people to send the their contact requests so that they can post in here. I know Pedro asked me about it, but if anyone else wants to post, I'll be really happy to add you. Just leave a comment in any post so I can do that, ok?

I'll post some more videos later!



Vlogbrothers and a challenge (plus: Videos!)

Ok, ok, I know that I kinda "abandoned" the blog, but my life has been a bit crazy. To make up for it, I am posting here today and hope to post more freqeuntly fromnow on.

Another reason that made me decide to come back here was that I've been seing videos by these guys lately, and I'd love to share them with you, especially this one:

He basically says everything I ever think about when it comes to comments on YouTube. But seriously, go and watch their other videos because they're AWSOME. They are basically two brothers who decided to communicate only by video blog about 2 years ago and have been doing it ever since - and then other great stuff hapenned to them along the way. They are both really smart and funny and TALK REALLY FAST!! (Especially Hank :D

Also, I'd like to propose a challenge for you. I realize that we're basically over with classes and all, but I have been wanting to start a collaboraty (collab) vlog, and I'd like to know if anyone would lifke to take up the challenge. It would be an experiment, and the videos would have to be in English. There will the "themes" and questions and challenges for the videos, and it could be really fun. If anyone is interested, talk to me or leave comments, ok?

Oh, and just because I'm in a good mood, here are a couple more videos:

I've been seeing videos by a lot of vloggers lately, and I love this guy, Kevjamba:

I love how his comment that girls are delicious probably didn't sound as dirty to him as it did to me! [ashamed]

this next video is kinda sad, but really, really good, if you stop to think what it is about:

Two post-it shorts that I really liked:


and this is just adorable:

[do you like it? This has like a whole channel XD]

Ok, that's it for today! I'll be back 0 for real, this time!



Videos we've seen in class part 1

Okay, so you guys know my memory isn't the best, and I've lost the DVD with the videos I showed you guys, so give me some time to remember them. I'll star off with some I know I showed you, but if there's one you'd like to see, tell me in the comments below, ok?

Julian Smith

Okay the video we watched in class was this one, 25 things I hate about Facebook:

But this guy makes other awsome videos. He has this mini series of videos called "get you own IPhone" wich is awsome. My favorite is this one:

I LOVE the girl who plays Amatilda - she's just such a great actress! She's also one of my favorite "characters" for his videos. He's got this guy called Jacquese, who's an idiot:

and this other guy called Gabrielle, who's the guy who kidnapped him in another series of videos. But actually, my favorite Gabrielle moment happens on a video for his "awkward moments" series of videos - seriously, check this series out - which is the blind date video. Not only is it awsome, but it also includes my other favorite characters:

I laughed for 2 minuts straight when I realized Gabrielle's misunderstanding. Seriously.

Accents videos

Okay, I remember showing you the Accents videos. The original one:

and the spoof, done by the guy speaking spanish:


Most recently...

And the most recent ones are the ones I showed you last class:

- the Love Story meets Viva la Vida music video:

- single ladies sung by a terrible singer (I love how she says in the description on Youtube that the song is by "beeyonsay"):

- Ray William Johnson's video with the bizarre dancer:

And all of his videos are pretty cool, too. Check them out!

That's all for today. I'll try to remember other ones.



Anyone out there on Twitter?

Okay, so I decided to join the masses and opened an account on Twitter. So... is anybody else in it, too, so I can follow you like a crazy person? =P Send your addresses on the comments below...



Hey, everyone!

Okay, so this is just a first post to let you know I actually did it! Here's our blog, or should I say basically a deposit of videos and links? As we have little time left, I'll try to post as much as I can before classes end, and try to post after they end, too, just to keep you guys connected. Actually, as I said before, I'd like people to collaborate here, so if you'd like to post something, leave a comment on this or the following posts and I'll just add you you to be able to post here, to, ok?

To open up, I'm posting that first video we did for real in class this semester, SIGNS. Enjoy!

Check out the director's website, too - he's got other interesting videos, including a commercial with the same actor as the short film and a "fake trailer" which sounds like it could be a cool movie...

Anyway, I'll post again soon!
