
Videos we've seen in class part 1

Okay, so you guys know my memory isn't the best, and I've lost the DVD with the videos I showed you guys, so give me some time to remember them. I'll star off with some I know I showed you, but if there's one you'd like to see, tell me in the comments below, ok?

Julian Smith

Okay the video we watched in class was this one, 25 things I hate about Facebook:

But this guy makes other awsome videos. He has this mini series of videos called "get you own IPhone" wich is awsome. My favorite is this one:

I LOVE the girl who plays Amatilda - she's just such a great actress! She's also one of my favorite "characters" for his videos. He's got this guy called Jacquese, who's an idiot:

and this other guy called Gabrielle, who's the guy who kidnapped him in another series of videos. But actually, my favorite Gabrielle moment happens on a video for his "awkward moments" series of videos - seriously, check this series out - which is the blind date video. Not only is it awsome, but it also includes my other favorite characters:

I laughed for 2 minuts straight when I realized Gabrielle's misunderstanding. Seriously.

Accents videos

Okay, I remember showing you the Accents videos. The original one:

and the spoof, done by the guy speaking spanish:


Most recently...

And the most recent ones are the ones I showed you last class:

- the Love Story meets Viva la Vida music video:

- single ladies sung by a terrible singer (I love how she says in the description on Youtube that the song is by "beeyonsay"):

- Ray William Johnson's video with the bizarre dancer:

And all of his videos are pretty cool, too. Check them out!

That's all for today. I'll try to remember other ones.



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