
Vlogbrothers and a challenge (plus: Videos!)

Ok, ok, I know that I kinda "abandoned" the blog, but my life has been a bit crazy. To make up for it, I am posting here today and hope to post more freqeuntly fromnow on.

Another reason that made me decide to come back here was that I've been seing videos by these guys lately, and I'd love to share them with you, especially this one:

He basically says everything I ever think about when it comes to comments on YouTube. But seriously, go and watch their other videos because they're AWSOME. They are basically two brothers who decided to communicate only by video blog about 2 years ago and have been doing it ever since - and then other great stuff hapenned to them along the way. They are both really smart and funny and TALK REALLY FAST!! (Especially Hank :D

Also, I'd like to propose a challenge for you. I realize that we're basically over with classes and all, but I have been wanting to start a collaboraty (collab) vlog, and I'd like to know if anyone would lifke to take up the challenge. It would be an experiment, and the videos would have to be in English. There will the "themes" and questions and challenges for the videos, and it could be really fun. If anyone is interested, talk to me or leave comments, ok?

Oh, and just because I'm in a good mood, here are a couple more videos:

I've been seeing videos by a lot of vloggers lately, and I love this guy, Kevjamba:

I love how his comment that girls are delicious probably didn't sound as dirty to him as it did to me! [ashamed]

this next video is kinda sad, but really, really good, if you stop to think what it is about:

Two post-it shorts that I really liked:


and this is just adorable:

[do you like it? This has like a whole channel XD]

Ok, that's it for today! I'll be back 0 for real, this time!
