
I'm baaack!

After almost a month, I'm back. I'm thinking maybe I should set up certain days to update the blog, so I don't let so much time passwithout an update.

One of the main reasons I haven't updated is because most of the american shows that take up my time are either back or starting... two of my favorite show were canceled (I still cry for you, Sarah Connor and Pushing Daisies!!), but some of my other shows are back: Fringe, The Big bang Theory, Dollhouse and even Heroes - yes, I've decided to go back to watching heroes this season (I like being a dope, aparently). But mostly the problem is that I've stupidly decided to add 2 more to this lovely mix: Treu Blood (a vampire series), which has been going for 2 years, but that I only started watching now, and it's FABULOUS so far, and the brand-new Glee, which I'm pretty much obssessed about. I mean, there's no way not to get obssessed with a series that has this scene in it:

This is from episode 4, by the way, but try to get the other episodes - each has at least one amazing moment in it, trust me.I'll be posting other glee videos in the future, you can be sure...

Anyway, that's what has been happening. But I'm back and I hope not to go away for so long again!



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