
I'm still trying to figure out how to get the graduation video to play properly. I did upload it it, but MGM cut the sound off. Whatever. I probably will open an account on another video uploading site, and then try to upload the video there. Let's see if that works out. If you want to view the video anyway, you can watch it on youtube.

Anyway, I do have a couple of hints for now. I actually found out about these things a few days ago, but hadn't been able to write about them.

Ok, this is really cool: I know there are a LOT of these lego videos out there, but this one makes me think of my childhood:

Awesome. All of the videogame ones are really cool, really. I got the tip for this one in last week's episode of Gadgets (The Childhood nostalgia episode), which is this really cool podcast on CNet TV which talks about random technological things from women's perspectives. I also like Buzz Out Loud, go check it out. In fact, if you like technology at all, go check out CNet TV - I strongly recommend you go watch it - it's what I think (hope) TV is gonna be in the future (not what they talk about, but how it works). I was introduced to it by my brother with a Prizefight video which compared Lost to Battlestar Gallatica in a "fight", and it was awesome. Now that I know the people, it's even better. I strongly recommend the Prizefight videos, as well the Mailbag videos - these are my two favorite shows on CNet TV, along with Top 5 and the Buzz Report.

Talking about podcasts, for the other Lost freaks out there, there's this really cool Lost podcast [the link is for the second part of the coommentary about the last episode of season 5] over at Jovem Nerd - in portuguese - about the last season, along with some really cool theories and observations about the show in the whole. It's really cool, if you're into that sort of thing. Also their other podcasts are really fun, too, if you're curious about nerdy things.

Ok, enough for today! I'll check back with new stuff soon.



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