
Good news!

Okay, so finally computer working 100% and connection 100%, too - what a rare combination! Which of course means that posting will go back to being regular, now.

Just not to break tradition, here goes a video (oh, how original). However, this is one I expect teachers and students of english will aprecciate more. Also, it's british, so what's not to like?

Hehehe! Look Up "Fawlty Towers" (the name of the show this was taken from) on Youtube for more British goodness. Actually, this show stared John Cleese, one of the Monty Python guys. Do yourself a favor and shearch for Monty Python on Youtube, too - too good, if british humor is your thing!



Edit: I've just seen that the video was deleted. That's too bad. But they do have other Fawlty towers videos there - look it up!


Food on trouble

Ok, torture is not cool, but when it's done to food, it's kid of... deliciously cruel, I guess?

Look at this one, for example:

[This has been seen over 1,470,000 times, by the way!]

Or this one, whith a corn family:


or the newest one:

[by the way, the "cookie" they show at the end is a Smore, a marshmallow sandwich]

I know, I know, it's kind of sadistic, but aren't they ADORABLE?!?!?! I'd love to know how daneboe does that effect where he takes out the nose - it kakes them look sooo cute! And I hate to admit it, but I LOVE it when they all scream!! ROTFL*!!

Good thing thing you already know I'm weird!!



(*ROTFL= Rolling On The Floor Laughing)



I showed you guys some of the videos from the Howcast YouTube channel in class (Remember the videos on how to remember people's names, how to tidy up in 3 minutes and how to look great in photos?) I hadn't thought about them in a while, but the fact is that they have A LOT of videos now - almost 1500! - and I thought their latest videos was really quite interesting (or at least, the subject is):

They really have something for everybody - I mean, the have almost 1500 videos! They tach you how to deal with some situations, how to prepare drinks and food, how to kiss with passion... no, really, they do! Go check it out!




Hi, there!

I'm sorry for taking so long to update, but now I'm having connection issues - just when my computer decided to satrt working, sort of! Anyway, just popping in to tell you I should take a bit longer to put things up, but I won't stop!

So, here's a video I watched the other day and made me laugh A LOT:

[and yes, it IS a joke!]

Also, anyone who knows me can tell I like stop motion videos, and this one is just fantastic - even if it gets a little disgusting at the end...

Finally, a series tip: Look up and, if possible, download "The IT crowd" and watch it! It's a British series about computer nerds, and it's FUNNY - well, in a British sort of way. Also, their accents alone are worth a listen!




Quick tips

Visit http://invisiblered.blogspot.com/. No really, do it, because it's really great. This person finds really cool info around the internet. It was there that I found the Help website (and do yourself a favor, visit the site - click on the link - and click on "Bored?", and then "Help I'm bored" You won't be sorry!!).

Also, that's where I saw this video:

Cool huh? Ok, I know it's in spanish, but you get the idea, right?




My favorite vloggers

Ok, so I'm always mentioning the vlogbrothers here, but there are other vloggers I really enjoy on youtube, some of which I have mentioned before. The ones I am mentioning here are all vloggers and videos podcasts I subscribe to, and they usually put up one or two videos a week. So BE CAREFUL, because following vloggers and youtube shows can be really time consuming!!

The list isn't in a preference order per se, but they are in the order I remembered them, which I guess must mean something... the links on the names will direct you to their user page, and I'l post a couple of video, too, why not?

Vlogbrothers - I'm not going to talk about how much I love these two brothers because I've said it too much already. They are real nerds (something which is obvoius when you talk about two guys who decide to communicate only through daily videos for a year, or by phone or personally, but never though e-mail, whuch is hard since they live REALLY far away from each other...) They are cool. And that's it. They are my favorite vloggers, a little bit ahead of...

Community Channel - Natalie is a cool Asian-Australian nerd girl. Her accent rocks, she's got this really weird sense of humour, and I love how she plays basically all the characters in her videos. One relativelly recent example:

... and another:

Okay, so I love her videos from the "Hi!" to the " porno music/comment time". Just go to her channel and have a good time.

Ray William Johnson - I discovered this guy from another youtuber, Michelle Phan, who does video make up tutorials (really cool ones, too) - he was the victim for a "makeup for guys" video. I showed one of his videos in class. I really like the format of his "show" and how he tends to be really nice about the weird people in the weird YouTube videos he comments (he actually tells people not to leave bad comments on the videos he comments, which is kinda sweet). He is also really short. AND he is friends with...

Meekakitty - She's pretty. And she has a really expessive face. And she's really, really weird (but in a great way). Look:

[exhibit 1]

[exhibit 2]

[exhibit 3]

Just sayin'!

Sxephil (aka* The Philip DeFranco Show) - I haven't followed this guy for a long time, but he's great. He takes the news and, and, as he proposes, makes it not so boring.

charlieissocoollike - this guys made a video a couple of years ago and people just adored him. this is the video:

Actually, a friend of mine told me to watch his videos along time ago, but only recently I started. I also found out he was part of a really cool project, the Five Awesome Guys (it's over, but it was cool. check it out), which was based on the Five Awesome Girls project (it's still kind of active, check it out [actually, one of the "guys" goes out with one of the "girls" now, it's really sweet]), which was, in turn, inspired by... the vlogbrothers. Isn't it wonderful? It's the Circle of Life! =P

What the buck - The first time I watched one of Michael Buckley's videos I had a headache after! He speaks incredibly fast - which means he's a challenge for you guys out there trying to improve your listening skills. He's very funny, very intellygent, and very gay (and I don't say this as an insult!). He's not a vlogger, really, his videos are actually little "shows". Go there!

Nigahiga - one of my friends LOVES this guy's videos, but I actually only really like his Movie in Minutes vides. Here's is Twilight:

... Harry Potter :

... and Titanic:

They are soo retarded, they're good!

Kevjumba - the only reason I remembered him last is because he hasn't posted any videos in a while - I think his last video was posted about two months ago. I posted a video of his here before, the girls are like M&Ms one, and I love the videos he makes with his dad in them. He's also a really nice guy - even Michael Buckley has said so, and he knows things! Okay, that's not the reason, the main reason is that he started a project to give out money to charity, the Jumbafund. Sweet guy all around.

Anyway, I think that's about it! And wow, was that a long post (it actually took me about 3 days to write). Hope you enjoy the videos and the links. Oh, and don't worry - not all of these people make videos every day, so I do get out of computerland sometime (or a lot of the time, now my computer decided to work when it wants to... ;)



Does anyone who's read this post have a YouTube vlogger they like and thought I should check out? Comments, please!


Ok, this is so retarded it's kinda funny.


Hearts a mess (as is my computer)

Sorry about not updating the page. My computer has been really unstable latelly - actually, I had written a whole post about three days ago on a text file and the whole thing froze and I lost everything I was writing, which, as you can imagine, got me a bit upset... anyway, I think it's ok now, and I'm just coming by to leave this music video, which I just watched and thought it was really weird/cool:

This is from a channel on youtube I signed up for a few weeks ago, called futureshorts. They have lots of really cool short films in this channel, but my favorite is definitely this one:


